Saucy New Year’s Resolutions for 2021

We want 2021 to be your sexiest year yet, so we’ve jotted down five saucy new year’s resolutions to inspire you to experience more pleasure during the year ahead.

New Year’s resolutions are almost always about giving up guilty pleasures, but ours are all about receiving. 

I Will Try One New Sensual Experience 

So, you want to be more experimental next year? Why not set yourself a goal to try out something you have never done before? This could be anything from an erotic massage to role-play or dirty talk! Whatever it is, you will have pushed the boundaries of your desires and hopefully found a new naughty passion. 

I Will Double my Pleasure 

Everyone likes intimacy and we could all have more of it but in order to increase the amount of pleasure you experience, it is essential to be proactive and it will involve a little planning on your part. This could involve putting more time aside for self pleasure or giving yourself a few extra opportunities to book an escort experience. Whatever you do, prioritise pleasure this year. 

I Will Limber Up 

Being active and healthy naturally means you will have more fun in bed. You will not only feel your best but you will look your best and be a magnet to the opposite sex. Increasing physical activity will not only mean your body will be in great shape but it also means your libido will be high which is great news for your sex life. 

I Will Make my Fantasies a Reality 

That thing you’ve always dreamed of doing? 2021 is the year you are going to bring it to life! Escorts are experts at bringing your wildest fantasies to life so why not take advantage of this? Make a promise to yourself to be open about your desires and take proactive steps to making them come true. Even talking about your fantasies is fun so that could be the first step. 

I Will Get Tested 

Good sex is safe sex and if you want to be your most confident self in the bedroom, it’s wise to start the year with a clean bill of health. If you have never been checked, now is the time. Not only will this give you peace of mind but you can visit an escort model with confidence knowing your sexual health is in tip top shape. 

Wishing you a sexy 2021.